Showcase the incredible work your team is doing every day REQUEST QUOTE
Watch your projects come to life
in real time from anywhere in the world
Let us handle the cameras so you can get back to building SERVICES

We Understand the
Unique Needs of the Construction Industry


The team of professionals at Gilman Construction Media come directly from the construction industry. That experience allows us to understand your needs on each project in a way that other companies simply can’t. With that perspective, we serve as a resource, provide expertise, and ensure you get the most value across the entire project life cycle. 

As our cameras capture the macro view of your jobsite projects, our team is focusing on the micro needs of our clients. Construction cameras that provide live feed and on-demand time lapse video is the primary way we do that.

We also provide:
  • Aerial progress videos/status updates
  • 2D/3D mapping
  • Pre- and post-construction documentation
  • Aerial photography
All of your projects are unique. Let our cameras and our suite of services help you tell their stories.
WIN new business.
WIN new business.
In this world of “don’t tell me, show me” the footage and photos we capture provide you with endless dynamic content to use in your proposals and marketing efforts.
DEVELOP your team.
DEVELOP your team.
Recruiting top-level team members in today’s market is hyper-competitive. Stand apart from the competition with engaging visuals showcasing your projects.
PROVE your competence.
PROVE your competence.
Every job is unique, but they all have something in common. Show potential clients how you managed similar challenges on a previous project and delivered it successfully.
Developers & Contractors

What They Have to Say

"I have enough on my plate trying to get my project built. One phone call to Gilman Construction Media, and I know my construction cameras are taken care of and my client will be excited to watch their project come to life. They allow me to get back to focusing on my priorities and the things that need my attention."

- Brent Beveroth
Project Superintendent.

"Gilman Construction Media is one of our best partners. From project start to finish, they are there for us every step of the way. One of the best calls I ever made."

-Jason Picasso,
Construction Manager.

"It's obvious they have a team of people with a ton of real-world construction experience. They see things the way I do, ask the right questions, and they truly understand my projects, my teams, and my needs."

- Cameron Hawkins,
Senior Project Manager.